Course Image Business Employment Relations

(NQF Level 3 – US 10170)

Those learners who acquire the outcomes of this course will be able to demonstrate an understanding of employment relations in an organisation.

The qualifying learner is able to:

  • Contribute to the effective functioning of an organisation by understanding the roles of various stakeholders in the organisation, and understanding agreements, policies and procedures related to employment in the organisation.

The course consists of the following lessons:

Module 1 - Stakeholders in an organisation

  • Topic 1: Understanding the business environment
  • Topic 2: Identifying stakeholders
  • Topic 3: Stakeholder interests
  • Topic 4: Stakeholder analysis

Module 2 - Policies and procedures

  • Topic 1: Policies in the workplace
  • Topic 2: Behaviour in the workplace
  • Topic 3: Disciplinary procedures
  • Topic 4: Grievance procedures

Module 3 - Employment related agreements

  • Topic 1: Employment contracts
  • Topic 2: Other agreements
  • Topic 3: Workers’ compensation and collective agreements
  • Topic 4: Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA)
Course Image Business English

(NQF Level 3 – US 119456)

Those learners who acquire the outcomes of this course will be able to write/present for a defined context.

The qualifying learner is able to:

  • Write for a specific purpose, audience and context
  • Use grammatical structures and writing conventions to produce coherent and cohesive texts for specific contexts
  • Adapt language to suit context
  • Draft and edit own writing.

The course consists of the following lessons:

Module 1 - Communicating in the Workplace: the landscape

  • Topic 1: Features of Workplace Communication
  • Topic 2: Business English
  • Topic 3: Using Business Terminology
  • Topic 4: Using Foundational Skills: sentences
  • Topic 5: Using Foundational Skills: paragraphs

Module 2 - Understanding and producing Business Texts

Module 3 - Refining your Communication Skills

  • Topic 1: Reading and Writing Proposals
  • Topic 2: Reading and Writing Reports
  • Topic 3: Checking on Style and Content
  • Topic 4: Interacting Verbally
  • Topic 5: Speaking and Presenting
Course Image Business Maths

(NQF Level 3 – US 7456)

Those learners who acquire the outcomes of this course will be able to use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business and national issues.

The qualifying learner is able to:

  • Use mathematics to plan and control personal and/or household budgets and income and expenditure.
  • Use simple and compound interest to make sense of and define a variety of situations including investments, stokvels, inflation, appreciation and depreciation.
  • Investigate various aspects of financial transactions including costs, prices, revenue, cost price, selling price, loss and profit.

The course consists of the following lessons:

Module 1 - Business Income and Expenditure

  • Topic 1: Working with percentages in business contexts (Part 1)
  • Topic 2: Working with percentages in business contexts (Part 2)
  • Topic 3: The need to keep careful financial records
  • Topic 4: Sales, Cost of Sales and Gross Profit
  • Topic 5: Selling Costs and Operating Profit, Profit before and after Tax, Dividends and Retained Earnings
  • Topic 6: The complete Income Statement

Module 2 - Applications of simple and compound interest

  • Topic 1: Simple interest
  • Topic 2: Compound interest
  • Topic 3: Evaluating the costs of products and services
  • Topic 4: Hire Purchase Agreements
  • Topic 5: Savings, investments and inflation
  • Topic 6: Appreciation and depreciation

Module 3 - Personal finance and budgets

  • Topic 1: Interpreting personal financial information
  • Topic 2: Developing and using personal budgets
  • Topic 3: Studying and revising personal budgets
  • Topic 4: Drawing up and monitoring a personal budget
  • Topic 5: Looking at the national budget